Lord Shiva
Los 749
INDIA, Post-Mauryan (Malwa). Ujjain. AE (Bronze, 14 mm, 3.00 g), 1st century BC. Lord Shiva standing facing, head to right, placing both hands on his hips; to left, three-arched hill. Rev. Four-orbed Ujjain symbol with a footprint in each angle. Pieper 274. Cleaning scratches, otherwise, about very fine.

From a collection of coins from Central Asia.

This interesting example shows Lord Shiva placing his hands akimbo, a posture indicating readiness to fight the enemy. Right before the goddess Ganga poured water on the earth and risked destroying it, Shiva stood akimbo in order to tame the water masses. The depiction of a footprint (paduka) of a certain god, as on the reverse of this coin, is a special indication of worshipping of the deity.
25 CHF
80 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 12-Dec-20, 19:14:00 CET
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